Voordelen video

5 redenen voor populariteit van video online

5 redenen populariteit video
Online video is growing, and how. But the sheer volume of stats out there can be overwhelming. Forget about digesting the information, how do you even know which 2018 video stats to ingest in the first place?
Powtoon’s team has just finished digging up the 40 most insane (and valuable) online video stats around, so you can take full advantage of the growing phenomenon of online video without the indigestion of information overload.
You can download the entire ebook a little further down this post, but first — I have a question for you:

Ask Yourself…

From the time you woke up this morning until this very moment, how much video have you watched online?
I want you to really stop and think for a minute…
And just to clarify, online video entails any video viewed from a digital device with internet capabilities; be it video on social media feeds, streaming episodes, pesky mobile ads, or silly uploads sent from friends on WhatsApp…Let’s not forget those outrageously cute cat clips that you watch on the video monster YouTube.
(BTW: I estimated one hour… and I wasn’t too far off.)

How Much Time Do We Spend Watching Video Online?

According to Forbes, one-third of all the time people spend online is dedicated to watching videos. When you break that down to U.S. adults, the average is one hour and 17 minutes a day, according to Insideradio.
That means if you add up email, social networks, podcasts, online radio, playing with apps and reading articles — watching video is already over 30 percent of that usage.
From a sales and marketing standpoint, this is an INSANE figure.

And we — as a society — aren’t slowing down; we will be watching even more video as time moves on. In fact, digital video is expected to grow by nearly ten minutes for every U.S. adult in the next two years — from 1:17 per person in 2017 to 1:26 per person by 2019.
Ok. So that lays the groundwork for understanding just how much time we all spend watching online video. But how does that makes sense to the job we do in our Learning and Development department?

Rethink this:

Explosive growth of online video is changing how audiences consume content and how Learning and development managers deliver their messages. The change is making old winners into losers, and challenging you to up your game.
The growth of online video isn’t happening in a vacuum. It’s influencing how businesses spend their budgets. It’s changing our’ priorities and the kinds of content we are making. And, it’s influencing how deeply learners engage with learning programs, and how they make their decisions. That’s also the reason why Learning & Development needs to embrace videos in their programs.

Video is having this kind of impact because people simply prefer it and trust it over text or images alone. With the DIY video and animation tools that exist today, you can start speaking the language your colleagues respond to most: video. These stats are more than an avalanche of information, they can help you and your L&D team make key decisions about the your video marketing goals, strategies, tactics and results.

Bron voor infographic en inspiratie voor tekst: The great big book of online video statts  door Powtoon

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